Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Plunge

Well, I finally did it. Or we did it, I guess. We meaning Peter and I. Mostly me but he gave me the go ahead...

We took the plunge and bought a new (old) couch. Feel free to tell me it's ugly in the comments. You won't hurt my feelings. (much) I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It's plaid, it's old, it's like, made of wool or something. I don't know. It struck my fancy. Not to say that I didn't argue with myself about it a lot. 'Are you sure that's what you really want? A plaid couch? Really. But it won't go with your area rug.' (See new plain off white burber one) I dragged Peter to the second hand store with me at 9:30 on Monday morning. He said “It's fine. It's nice. It's not anything I thought you would have chosen at all. Hurry, up I'm going to be late for work.” So with that, I handed over my VISA and for $149 bucks we had a new couch, chair and automan. I bought the rug that afternoon before they were delivered.

The best part? We kept our lovely green couch and chair. Peter and I miraculously maneuvered the thing (it's over six feet long) into our narrow hallway and down the stairs which have a turn in them halfway down. We did this while A was screaming her guts out in her crib. (We thought that would be the safest place for her) And we didn't ask each other for a divorce when we finally got the d@mn thing down the stairs. Also Little A slept awesome after tiring herself out with all her carrying on. Thumbs up to all. Peter and I are considering opening the P & D Moving Company. Our motto? “We'll move yer stuff. It might get broken, we might damage your house in the process, it might take us a whole week to do it, but we'll get er' done!”

So far I'm liking the new furniture. It's not as high off the ground as our other one and even though the springs are good you really sink down into it. It doesn't smell bad but it doesn't smell like us. (We smell like roses) So it will take some getting used to. But I like it. I think. Do I sound like I'm trying to convince myself?? Anyway, here it is. Behold its beauty.


bon said...

Well... it isn't as CHARMING as the green one... but it is comfortable looking, the colors go great in your house and it says "family." Personally I have never wanted plaid... anything...except for the obligatory punkrock-schoolgirl-miniskirt but I admire solid furniture lines, and if you decide to later? You can always slipcover.

That said... I was the perpetrator of the Elvira-red, crushed velvet, flea market couch purchase of 1994. Luckily, for the asthetic sanity of all involved the thing disintigrated a little over a year later... but still, grain-of-salt here folks!

Dawnyel said...

When you first put "plaid" on your post I thought you were talking like red and blue plaid. So when I actually got down to the pic of the brown and tan plaid I was okay with it. It's not as ugly as you make it sound! :D I'm sure once you break it in (make it smell like "roses") then it will feel more like you!

the lizness said...

I like it! and I'm with you on the "not getting a divorce after moving furniture" happiness

Mall Worker said...

I don't think it looks that bad! Your whole post cracked me up!

mamashine said...

This looks very much like the couch we had when I was about four. Reminds me of my childhood. Makes me want to curl up on it and eat a peanut butter sandwich while reading The Black Stallion or something.

Sugarmama said...

Ha--plaid! I think I had the exact same couch when I was a kid. Yes, Kep, yes! Exactly my reaction!

Lynanne said...

We have a plaid couch so I think your new couch rocks! And you could totally open your own moving business. You'd have to specialize in moving couches though :)

utmommy said...

I don't think it's bad. We had a plaid couch, and when we bought our new ones, we moved the plaid ones downstairs. We had to take ours out of the house and put it through one of the downstairs windows. Not so fun. But, we too survived.

Anonymous said...

Yes, D I do understand what it's like to purchase a new couch. Our old one we had in Nz was old but cumfy. We decided to purchase the Leather one and I had a hard time getting used to it...it seemed so cold. But now that we are used to it we love it because it is so easy to clean when the kids puke on it or slop icecream or have a wee wee or if the dog jumps on it you get the picture....You will be glad you didn't spend a fortune on a couch because the kids will have it doing a test in no time. The color is also great I think for disguising any grubby marks. I was never one to not let my kids eat in the living room so there you go. I am just reading back a ways so sorry for not answering on other posts. I can't wait to catch up with you again for tea. Love Sab