Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Something Happier

Since yesterday's post was such a total downer, man – I decided today I would make you all smile/laugh/feel amused. At least this is my wish for you. It also works out well since it requires minimal writing effort and frees me up to go and visit my sister who is still visiting from out of town. Since I only get to see her about once a year I try to smother her with my love and affection. Could this be why she only visits rarely?

On Monday night I asked her to come and play ball with me. Being the athletic woman that she is she agreed to play. Soccer is her game but she can play pretty much any sport. She and I are similar in our sporty tomboyish ways. I was thrilled to have her come and play ball and I think you may possibly be able to tell by the RIDICULOUSLY HUGE SMILE on my gob. I sent this picture to my dentist and he replied saying he thinks he might see a cavity. Also, where are my eyes? My smile is so big it left no room on my face for my eyes to be open. Like my shirt? It's a T-Shirt I bought at Value Village. Our ball team wears red and since I didn't have a red shirt I thought I'd go buy a cheap one and cut off the sleeves. Cause I'm crazy cool like that. And the fact that it says Tonka on it, epitomizes my tomboyishness. Don't you think? Can you tell I am the giant of my family? Would you believe I am a whopping 5 foot 4 inches tall? I'm the baby of my family and the tallest girl. Sad, really. I am so banking on Miss A having her Dada's tall genes.

Which brings us to our next humorous photographs. These were taken while we were on the aforementioned Value Village shopping trip. This is me in a furry coat that I DID NOT BUY. My husband asked me to put it on so he could take a picture. I did as I was told because I am a performing monkey. Eeek eeek! I will take full credit for being the one who decided to post this picture on the internet.

And this is Baby A and Tickle Me Elmo. When Peter started to take this picture she looked gleeful to be sharing her stroller with such a celebrity. (Not that she has any idea who he is, she's never seen Sesame Street) But by the time he snapped the picture she looked horrified and afraid of him. Isn't that just like a baby? One minute the world is a happy, glorious place the next BAM! I hate everything, get me outta here, leave me alone before I explode. Oh, maybe that's just my baby... (Also, used Elmo was promptly taken home, battery compartment removed and thrown in the washing machine. Voila! Brand new Elmo!)

And finally...

Have you ever seen a photograph more simultaneously cute and disgusting? I'm leaning towards cute but I'm a little bit biased.

Have a great day!


Mall Worker said...

Oh Mama D, you crack me up! I love the picture of Baby A trying to escape from scarey ole Elmo! I'd run away from him too!!

Anonymous said...

That fur coat is one. . . breathtaking. . . piece of work. My baby goes from happy to cranky in about .2 seconds as well. Aren't you glad we live in the digital age?

Lynanne said...

Hilarious!!!! I thought the same thing as Carrot Jello at first -- the coat was scaring the baby! ROFL.

Thanks for the comic relief!

utmommy said...

Glad to hear you are having a better day!!

I'm leaning more towards cute on the last pic too!

Dawnyel said...

I'm wondering why you didn't buy the furry coat...I mean, it does say Mama D all over it!! *giggling*
This was a great and very entertaining post!! I needed it!!

mamashine said...

What a great coat! I'm really surprised you didn't buy it. It could only add to your wardrobe, right? :)

bon said...


In case you wondered... as long as it is a food product or fairly clean dirt/mud on a baby's face? it's cute.

Puke or feces, not so cute... but that it the rule if thumb so far as I know.

I'm dying at the posts that I missed... I have yet to have a nibbler, but Birdie sure did rock her crib TO PEICES.

If y'all would have the decency to move to Utah, I'd totally have you covered in the babysitting department... seriously, just a few doors down is the Bishop and he's from Canada, so if you got homesick you could go chat with him... or is it his WIFE that is from Canada?... whatever.