Wednesday, July 05, 2006

International Poop Day

I am sure I will forever marvel at the task of being a mother. Children are the most complicated puzzle you will ever have to solve. And you would think it gets easier the longer we've been at it... nope. I share what little experience I have so far with everyone I know. It makes me feel proud of the progress I have made in mamahood. Not to mention how happy it would make me to save anyone the anguish I suffered during those early months of Miss A's life.

A new piece of the Baby A puzzle has fallen into place. It has been something that has plagued us since her birth. Bowel movements. They have always been an event. When we first brought her home from the hospital it was several days before she had a poop. Peter was the lucky one to change her diaper that morning while I was still laying in bed. When I heard him proclaim “She pooed!” from her room I jumped out of bed and ran to see the spectacle. And things haven't changed much since then. When there is a dirty diaper there is a mini celebration at the change table. What I have discovered as she has gotten older, started solid foods etc is that her behavior on a 'Poo Day' is usually distinct. It is as though things are not right in her world until she expels this waste from her body. Her appetite is usually poor (duh, I obviously don't need more food mom I haven't gotten rid of this stuff yet!) and her mood is often terrible, nothing makes her happy. On these days she usually wakes in the night (she usually sleeps through) and her naps are ridiculously short. Until the deed is done we are not happy.

The strange thing is, I always forget about these tell tale signs. She'll be displaying these behaviors and I'll think, “Gee, I wonder what's up with her?” I'd blame sleep deprivation but I really can't use that excuse anymore since she rarely gets up in the night. It was pretty bad there for a while shortly after we began solid foods. Her bowels never move frequently but this was different. This was not good. There was crying, there was straining. After trying natural laxatives such as apple juice, prune juice and stewed prunes and still nothing happened we needed to take extreme measures. Glycerin suppositories. I'm hoping I haven't traumatized her for life. I did what needed to be done. Now, I give her prunes at least once a day and she seems to be more regular. Poop Day is still the end of the world but at least I have an idea what's going on now rather than not having a clue. Having a clue makes me think I might actually be getting the hang of this mama thing.

P.S. I have had some (okay, one) request for a new post at The Mama D Experiment. Mecca lecca high mecca hynie ho, wish granted. (Any Pee Wee Herman fans out there?) Does it bother any of you readers that I have several more chapters ready to post I had just been too lazy to bother? "Ha ha ha ha ha!" she laughed maniacally...


Mall Worker said...

I'm glad that her little poo problem is getting better! I love those little tell tale signs, and your not the only one to completly miss them from time to time!

Lynanne said...

Poop Day is a major event around our house also. I think the record was 10 days without a poo. For some reason she's done it twice today, both times right as I was putting her in her carseat and we were in a hurry to go somewhere. She HATES to be stinky. Ok, this is far TMI... what is it about mama blogs that make bodily functions fair game? ROFL

Valarie said...

We have poop days around here, too. They are getting much, much better. We're even seeing stealth poops that show up without trauma.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, G and I have the opposite problem....every single diaper. He did a massive poo spray at the Dr.'s office...we were so proud!

Dawnyel said...

Poop day?? Okay, so I guess I never paid that much attention to it. I just get the clean up over with as quickly as I can! Now I have newborn poo to deal with! (No, I don't have another child...)
YAY for the new chapter! :) Pee Wee!! A cable channel is going to start airing them again NEXT week! I'm so excited!

bon said...

The Pearl and I commiserate and condole with y'all... our magic pill is the oatmeal. We are trying probiotics to settle her wee guts after three rounds of antibiotics, and comically they seem to be helping in the poo dept. as well.

Sugarmama said...

Funny--my own little one poops about 3 times a day or so. No fanfare, no mood changes--just suddenly she'll get all red in the face and grunt a lot and it's done. And it's still hilarious to me that she'll do this no matter where we are or who we're with. No shame yet, that one.

By the way, raisins also seem to work in bringing on the ol' poop. Just for a change...