Monday, July 17, 2006

Unconditional Love

Something I never happened to mention last week was that I was on holidays. Yup, that's right holidays for the whole week. Since I only work 3 days it wasn't a lot of actual days off but having the week off was exciting. Ever notice how the anticipation of something good is often better than the thing you are looking forward to? Such was the case with my 'holidays'.

This is my first time on holidays since having Baby A. Maternity leave DID NOT COUNT as holidays. Especially since I was back at work 3 ½ months postpartum. I also didn't take my holidays last summer. I thought why would I bother taking holidays when I was going to be done work on August 31? I had already cut back my hours so I was only working six hours a day on my feet for my 8th and 9th month of pregnancy. If I had her on my due date (September 13th) I would have like, two weeks off. That's just like a holiday, right? I had her on September 12th and let me tell you, the holiday was SO over after that.

I had several things that I wanted to accomplish last week. Chore type things that I'd been putting off until I had more time. Washing windows, weeding the flower garden and a few other things. What did I get done in reality? Nothing. Nada. Except making a couple of good meals. Which for me is a chore. We're lucky to get grilled cheese or peanut butter sandwiches around here. I made cranberry chicken wraps, quesadillas, chicken curry and last night we BBQ'd zucchini, mushroom and cherry tomatoes kabobs (marinated in Zesty Italian Dressing) potatoes and chicken. Mmmm. But back to the not getting anything done.

I mentioned in a couple of last week's some of Baby A's new behavioral developments. The clingyness and the not napping much and waking in the night while the worst infomercial EVER is on. This all put a real damper on my holiday. I was tired, I was cranky and therefore not in the mood for the clingy, needy baby. Although, I'd like to say thank you to my readers who suggested that I indulge her behavior and love her up so that she may 'get over it' more quickly. I am taking your advice. Except for the few stinkin' minutes that “I just can't hold you right now. Can't I just go pee without you hanging on me?”. The phase (oh, I hope it's a phase) is still in full swing. But I'm rolling with it.

The trouble was I didn't enjoy my holiday much at all. I kept being consumed by self pity. I couldn't get my stuff done! Wahhh! (temper tantrum. Hmmm... wonder where my daughter gets her temper from...) Then Saturday arrived. Two parents to share the work. What I accomplished Monday through Friday – not much. What we accomplished Saturday.

-trip to the pool and a picnic lunch (followed by a nap for Baby A)
-weeded flower garden
-washed windows
-dropped off accumulated glass recyclables (what a pain)
-got key cut for new door (Oh yeah, we got a new door!)
-made delicious BBQ supper
-cleaned bathroom
-mopped kitchen floor

Wow! Composing that list was tiring in itself. This again proves my point. There should always be two people at home with the baby. That way no one wants to pull their hair out in frustration. Much. We both have holidays in August which I am looking forward to. Being on holidays by myself sucked. My attitude sucked. I just need to get used to what holidays with a baby are like. I should have simply been happy to have the extra time to spend with her. Unfortunately I was too busy being annoyed about the unimportant things that I couldn't get done... These are the times when I look back and think I am a crappy mama. But the great part is, she loves me anyway.


bon said...

Yeah. I'm letting LaLa watch Bug's Life as we speak. Her brain is rotting, I can smell it from here. Crappy mama, bleah!

Lynanne said...

Oh bon, you are too funny! I can smell something from here too, but I think it's Ella's stinky diaper.

Crappy mama or just not the picture perfect mama (at least in your eyes)? The latter of course! I bet even Dr Spock or Dr Brazelton didn't have picture perfect mothers for their children. :)

You have to remember that while you were trying to sort out your new routine for holiday time with a baby, she was trying to figure out her change in routine as well. You both are learning.

What a perfect raft for the pool! It looks like A. can play and splash in safety. What fun!

I see a picture perfect baby and mama in those photos, btw!

Mall Worker said...

You are not a crappy mama! I'm sure everyone has felt that way at some point and if they haven't they must either be lying or something.

I remember feeling like that on my birthday last fall, when I couldn't do anything that I wanted to do with out a kid attatched to my breast.

Hang in there, it'll get better. I'm glad that you at least had a productive weekend! I've been dying to take Boo to a big pool like that!

Dawnyel said...

As long as your child is fed, clean, and happy, who cares what else you do? There is NO one else in this world who can take your place in her life! :) Enjoy her while you can! I give you full permission to let all of those other "chores" go!!

Jenn said...

I have a fridge magnet that sums it up...