Monday, July 03, 2006

And Finally A Winner!

Sorry this was late... We were away... Blah, blah, excuses, excuses.

This weeks winner of Say WHAT is someone who goes way back with me to my early blogging days. She was one of my first commenters. She is someone I look up to, someone who makes me laugh and I also consider her to be a friend. Does it matter that we've never met? I don't think so. She also named this crazy game. It's only fair that she should finally win it. I'm not sure what took her so long. She's so 80's movie savvy. I'm certain this won't be her last win. Congratulations, Bon from The Mama! It's about time.

The Breakfast Club. Not one of my favorite John Hughes movies. It didn't really touch me you know? I could kinda relate to Ally Sheedy's character what with the black clothes and being weird. But I wasn't shy and quiet. And the dandruff. I didn't have dandruff. I wanted to be Molly Ringwald in every (80's) movie she was in. I think it was her hair. Loved that hair.

I'm not sure what it was about this movie that bugged me. It might be that I thought they were all a bunch of whiners. "It's hard to be smart! People are mean to me!" Who cares! "Do you know what it's like to be so popular? It's not easy!" Boo Hoo! The only one who really had any right to complain was Bender. And he still bugged me. But the part when they all danced. That was good. While doing my internet based research (TM) on this movie I found this. It combines The Breakfast Club and my favorite game The Sims. Could it really get any better?

1 comment:

Dawnyel said...

I've only ever watched that movie once...and I wasn't that impressed either. I do have to agree that the dancing was the best part! :)
I hope your mom does better!