Monday, July 31, 2006


In this post I spoke about the website which is also linked in my sidebar by the name of 'The Shape of a Mother'. I submitted the photos of my present postpartum tummy from my post to that website. This was slightly brave of me since, as you can see from the photos, my tummy doesn't look like the tummies on the covers of magazines. I don't wear bikinis (never did) and I don't wear anything that shows my tum tum off. I will say that I don't think it was as difficult for me to do this as it was for a large number of the women who have submitted their photos to this site.

You see, I am not what anyone might call, shy. This is partly the reason I became a hairstylist and also one of the reasons why I have a blog. I like to talk to people. I like to write about my life and if possible entertain people. Or to find common ground with others. I will, and have talked about almost anything, no matter how embarrassing, emotional or upsetting the subject matter. I'm just like that. An open book so to speak. That's why posting a picture of my naked stomach for all the world to see wasn't too traumatizing. Not because I'm all “Look at me.” just because I thought “Why not? It'll be cool”. Also, because I believe strongly in the purpose of 'The Shape of a Mother' and I liked thinking that someone might be comforted by seeing my post pregnancy shape and not feel as badly about theirs.

The trouble with people like me who jump before they think it through is that we are often surprised by what happens next... I use Site Meter to keep tabs on the traffic coming to my blog, to see what kind of freaky searches might land people here, who I'm getting referrals from, etc. On July 23 a link to my post was up on 'The Shape of a Mother' after which visits to my blog increased... a lot. On July 21 I received my weekly report from Site Meter giving the stats – weekly visits 318, average per day 45. On July 28 the same report looked like this... weekly visits 1,297, average per day 185. Holy...gulp. That's 185 people a day looking at my stretch marks. I hadn't banked on that. And how do I know that is where they were coming from? Thanks to the lovely referrals option on my Site Meter. It was solid with referrals coming from 'The Shape of a Mother'. Wow! I knew that site was getting a lot of traffic but I don't think I actually considered that all those people would be looking. at. me. *nervous laugh*

Do I regret it? No. I guess I was just caught a little off guard. It's a little intimidating thinking about all those people looking at my belly. I do know that I personally have appreciated every contribution to that website. I visited the blog of a recent contributor and think she is fabulous and entertaining.

So I guess showing my squishy tummy and stretch marks was worth it because:

-I may have inspired others to bare their lovely mommy tummies.

-Other mothers may have been comforted by my contribution.

-Lots of new people have visited my blog.

-I found a cool new mom from Hollywood who looks like a movie star, has wicked tattoos and is hilarious.

Its not all bad, right?


Anonymous said...

Hi! This is my first time here!

Thanks for letting me stop by! :)

Sounds like you like blogging and finding and so do I! LOL

Anonymous said...

oops...I realized I didnt finish my sentence...I meant to type and finding new mommy blogs and so do I...

Mall Worker said...

Holy crap, thats a lot of traffic! I've always appreciated your open bookness so to speak, its out there and real. I wouldn't be able to show my tummy like that, hell, after I posted my picture of me and Boo I got freaking rude comments from some annon trolls! So, I salute you Mama D!

about plantain: said...

Thanks for the props. I went from about 8-15 hits a day to 140 on the day of/after my Shape of A Mother post! I use statcounter.. and am astounded at the amount of people that don't know what a 'plantain' is... I even did a post entitled "What Does a Plantain Look Like" ... in honor of a google search that led someone to my site... I also think its pretty rad (or is it creepy) to think that someone in Estonia/ Iran/ Japan has just looked at pictures of me in blue eyeshadow and white trash rollers... I keep thinking ... how the hell did someone in Norway find my blog... i just thought it was my mum reading it.
BTW... how genius is it to be a hairdresser and a new mum... I feel like I just go into auto-pilot now when I'm doin' do's... you don't have to think (and frankly, I think most of my little grey cells got zapped into stoopid mode once my baby exited the birth canal)


about plantain: said...

I just saw your 'baby body' post... you're totally rocking the cute hairdo by the way... I'm one of those hairdressers that is a total slacker about her own hair..
Anyhoozle...I kind of get a bit teary looking at Shape Of A Mother.. coz it reminds me of my mum... she's got some pretty wicked stretch marks... and I was always kind of horrified/fascinated with them growing up... I like touching them when I was little...they felt really smooth...Not that it's the same... but people who get tattoos are alway commemerating (don't know that that's actually a word) meaningful events in their life.. but just think...every mother, to varying degrees, has their own visual reminder of a special time in their life!

Sorry... I'm rambling... tonight I've had a half glass of white wine for the first time since BFing and I'm a bit tipsy....

Dawnyel said...

I think you're brave to do what you did...but who knew you'd get all of that traffic from that!? (I may be partly to blame...some days I check out your blog 3 or 4 times...)

Dawnyel said...

WAIT!! Let me clairify that....I did that BEFORE your tummy pic...That's not the reason I check out your blog several times a day!! LOL

bon said...

...and I knew you from when you had just started... a wee blogger from the begining. Of course I had been blogging for all of two weeks longer!