Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What August Will Bring

The last month my Baby will be less than a year old. Once September is here she'll turn one and it's bye, bye baby, hello toddler. Who am I kidding? She's already a toddler. She toddles around. She's almost weaned herself. She only nurses about three times a day now. And only in our bedroom while I watch television. Sometimes I wonder if I've screwed up my letdown by feeding her in there the majority of the time. What if my milk won't let down unless I'm watching Canada AM, E Talk Daily or General Hospital? If I could actually feel my letdown I would know. Stupid boobs.

The other day I tried to feed her while we were at a BBQ. She flat out had a fit. I haven't nursed in public for a while and I'm out of practice so I admit I was a little embarrassed. I ended up putting her on the floor hoping she would just can it and play. Instead she rolled around on the floor crying. What a weirdo. She eventually stopped. I blamed fatigue but I think she was mad that I tried to feed her there. Maybe I'm nuts. Anyway, this brings us to our next point.

August is also the last month that I will not be working Fridays. Once September rolls around I will be working four full days in a row. Baby A will be going to a private babysitter from 9-4 on Fridays. This could prove interesting regarding breastfeeding. I'm not really sure what to do. I'm sure I won't be able to pump enough for all four days I'll be working. I know I can incorporate whole cows milk into her diet at that point if I want to... I'm just not sure. I may have to discuss this with my La Leche League Leader. She'll likely have some good suggestions. I haven't really bothered her with any questions since I was a new breastfeeder who was all insecure and freaked out. How far I have come. Now I coddle the new moms that come to our meetings.

I am not looking forward to my change in schedule. I have settled nicely into this one since January. I am working the perfect number of hours right now. Unfortunately I need to bring home some bacon so we can continue making our mortgage payments. I wish I was independently wealthy like Hugh Grants character in “About a Boy”. Why couldn't my father have written a famous Christmas Carol? Oh well...

One good thing August bring is two weeks of holidays for both Peter and I. I often find the anticipation is better than the actual event. I hope I am wrong in this instance. I want to have a wonderful time with Peter and Miss A during our first holiday since her birth. She is old enough that we can actually do some fun stuff with her. We are going to travel a little bit. Stay home a little bit. Work around the house a little bit. Peter is going to help me broadcast an entire week of YouTube entitled 'A Week In The Life Of Mama D'. How exciting. Actually, I am excited. It will be fun.

So my plan is to enjoy this month to the fullest because once it's over things in my world are going to change quite a lot.

Did I ever mention how much I dislike change?


bon said...

oo! Looking forward to the week of Mama DTube! I wish that your dad had written a famous Christmas carol as well... then I would have a RICH bloggingbuddiegirl!

Mall Worker said...

I hope you guys have a blast on your holidays! I understand not wanting to change things up. I'm very happy with whats going on here right now, but I'm going to have to go back to school and or work, and I hate the thought of it!

I remember you said there was some sort of LLL walk in august, call me with some info :)

Jenn said...

Holiday anticipation is exciting but I know what you mean about meeting expectations! First holidays with A will be great. I'm interested to learn about the Mama D tube?

I finally dove in! Check me out.