Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To Catch You Up A Bit

Getting back into this blogging thing is harder than I thought it would be... I guess I never really stopped but the YouTube thing was different. I haven't written about what's been going on with us lately. So let me catch you all up.

Our holidays were... interesting. They started off well with a visit to the in laws. There was a little stress at first trying to keep Baby A from climbing the stairs (I totally had no idea she could do that!) or ingesting the various dangerous, choke inducing or just plain icky objects that seemed to be everywhere. We're talking marbles, a bolt, small rocks, flies etc. The situation was quickly rectified once we headed into town to purchase a baby gate and I gave the floors a major cleaning/vacuuming. My in laws had been away visiting their other grandchildren and didn't have time to clean up before we arrived. Which was fine. I think my father in law was a little perturbed that I was cleaning their house but my husband explained that Miss A was putting everything into her mouth and I needed to be sure that it was safe for her to be on the floor. When it was explained to him that way he was no longer offended.

We went to the beach (Beach Baby) and to the amazing wave pool. A loved every minute trying to lick the water, dunk her face in, splash and so on.

My in laws also have two of these most wonderful chairs. I'm sure that many of you have them also. I am SO getting one before I have another baby. It's a rocking chair with an automan which also rocks. The chair can recline and it also has pockets for books, the remote control, a banana – whatever. I lived in these chairs while we were there. My baby who won't nurse or go to sleep anywhere but in our bedroom, nursed in these chairs and fell asleep, no sweat. Awesome!

Other exciting news – Miss A is walking. Kind of. Her record is maybe, seven steps or so. The last few are often running steps. She generally prefers to crawl since she is highly proficient at it and it is much faster. She does enjoy the clapping reaction the walking attempts often produce which is why I believe she continues to try. The girl loves to perform. She has recently discovered that laughing along with others is fun and also gains the attention of everyone in the room. It is very cute. Perhaps most exciting is that she seems to be saying, or trying to say a lot of words. There is a bear mirror in front of her car seat and we always say “Look, there's your bear!” and lately she'll say “bow” which TOTALLY means bear. And the other day I had Baby Einstein 'Neighborhood Animals' on. They said dog, she said “deg”. I thought I was crazy but then they say it again “dog” and she says “deg”. Shortly after that was “cat” to which she repeats “kit” and when they repeat again, so does she. I was flabbergasted, for real. Was she seriously repeating what was being said? That was as far as it went though because then the words became more difficult like “mouse”. Who cares about mice anyway, really. So yeah, that's crazy.

And finally, I am 29 years old and counting... This is my last week as a twenty something mama. As of Saturday I'm into a whole new age bracket. I'm okay with this. I am. I am. I'll have to change my profile – I am a thirty year old mama of one... It's all good. Secret plans are being made. Peter was having a conversation with our friend on the phone last night and I wasn't allowed to be in the room. I think/hope these plans include 'Karaoke Revolution'. I want to defend my title. This might be a tall order if The Big Fugr is in attendance.


Dawnyel said...

What did we miss? Geez!
Yay for A walking! Now you have MORE baby proofing to do! :)
And congrats on being okay with your age! I hope to be as brave as you are when I get there! ;)

Sugarmama said...

30 seemed like a big deal to me, too, when it happened. But damn if 35 wasn't also! So good luck.

Oh, and A was TOTALLY repeating words back to you. So exciting!

Jenn said...

A is such a sweetie!! Those first steps are so exciting to watch.

Glad to hear you're ok with heading in to a new decade. Oddly enough, I'm excited for my turn next year!! There's just something about a birthday.......

about plantain: said...

Picture this...
turning 30 with a 14 day old baby! Ginormous leaking boobs, muffin top from hell, a bit baby-bluesy around the edges, and scarfing down movie popcorn at an 11:15 showing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... because I was determined to go... I went into labor on the day it came out... the day I had planned on seeing it and Walk the Line, on getting a pedicure and cleaning the bathroom...
BTW those rocking chairs are genius... we borrowed one and will be returning it before we move back to Australia.. when my Wee Snapper has an extra squinky night .. about 10 minutes of rockin' by dad and he's out!

bon said...

Whoah! Talking... it's most assuredly talking real words! Walking! Ack!

Ohhhhhhh! CRAP! Happy Birthday and I totally am inviting myself to your surprise party! Kareoke Rev? I suck but I LURRVE it.

By the by... your thirties will ROMP all over your twenties!

bon said...

by "it's" i don't mean "A", cause obviously she's a she. I mean... well... the WORDS are WORDS. I ...it's late, you know what I mean...

I should double check BEFORE I post a comment, sheeeeesh.

Valarie said...

walking and talking?! what a week.

beth said...

I can't believe she's talking already! And walking! So cool.

And yeah, I have 30 creeping up too. Ugh.