Friday, July 14, 2006


It's Friday again and that means it's time for my AWESOME game Say WHAT? In case it's your first time or you forgot how to play, here's the deal. I post a quote from an 80's movie and you all leave me your guesses in the comments. I can't stop you from using the internet as a resource but I'll ask everyone nicely to refrain. It's more fun that way! I will announce the winner on Sunday night and if the winner has a blog, I'll link them. If they have I profile picture I'll post that too.

Last weeks winner was The Big Fugr which is no surprise to me since he is a movie aficionado. When he won I mentioned that he should write a new post and guess what? He did. Oh the power!!!!

There is a very good chance he might win again this week. In fact, he may be the only one who would know todays quote. It's right up his alley. Although he may be too busy to stop by as he is playing here tomorrow night! So there may be hope for any of my other competitors yet.

Now for today's 80's quote. It's a good one. I've worried before that the quotes I've picked have been too obscure but I haven't stumped anyone yet so here goes. Good Luck everyone and don't forget to come and check if you won!!

"I believe in you, me, and Rock and Roll. And I'm not too sure about you lately."


bon said...

Yeah... I got nothing. I googled it because I have no patience, so I'm out of the running... haven't seen this movie in two decades!

The Big FUGR said...

Well, as you said, this one is right up my alley. I've seen this movie a whole bunch of times. It's a classic for sure and not one I would have guessed you'd use here. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Good choice. Johnny Depp is the reason you picked this one I'm guessing.

Dawnyel said...

I'm just going to GIVE UP!! I never catch it in time, and then I don't know the movies...I guess I'll leave it to those DEDICATED to winning! :(

beth said...

I actually do not know this one. I'm ashamed. Hangs head.

Mall Worker said...

I'd love to guess on these games, but my movie triva isn't the greatest! Its an awesome game though!

utmommy said...

I'm no good at this, but I love to see what you're posting!

Anonymous said...

I think it's from Rockstar...but that's not an 80's movie, but it's about an 80's hair metal band. PLEASE tell me I'm right!!!!

Anonymous said...

no clue! I will play again!!!