Friday, August 18, 2006

Mama D Plays DDR

Sorry I missed yesterday. We ended up being busy taking Peter to the doctor then taking him to get an x-ray and blood test. They thought he had pneumonia. Turns out it's only an infection. So anyway we were up last night getting this YouTube ready for you.

One day while the three of us were out for a walk we decided to go into Ruckers. We figured there would be lots of interesting stuff for Baby A to look at and maybe we'd play some pinball. Then we saw it. The Dance Dance Revolution game.

We had always been curious about this game so we figured, why not try it? The rest is history. We are hooked. We have been back several times. We even took The Big Fugr with us once. Then we thought what would be more entertaining than posting video of ourselves playing DDR on the internet? Nothing, thats what. On a separate occasion when we happened to have our camera with us there was this AMAZING young man named Dawson playing DDR. Watching him play gave me something to aspire to. (Not that I will ever put the time or money into getting that good) We struck up a conversation with him and asked his permission to video tape him while playing the game. He graciously agreed. This video has not been altered or sped up in any way. Check out his calf muscles! Seriously!

So this is todays YouTube. I hope you all enjoy!

The Mama D YouTube finale video will be up tomorrow. Till then...


bon said...

Dude... you are so my hero! I love me some Kareoke Revolution... but you won't catch me YouTubing the results!

That guy? A boxer maybe?

Jenn said...

That was so funny to watch! Great job. Papa D sure picked a doozy of a number! He sure was going.
I can see how that could get addicting!!

But that other guy!? He was some kind of wonderful. But I must say that he must have a little too much time on his hands to be that good. Very funny.

beth said...

So, you're gonna like this. I used to be obsessed with this game. Like, before I got pregnant. When I was taught middle school I used to dance against my students. And for a while this was how I exercised at home (there is an exercise mode on it.) Basically, Hubby and I got it one year for Christmas and spent the whole break playing. I was addicted. Maybe I need to get the dance pad back out...I don't know if the new sized nummies can handle it though...

Jenn said...


You rock chickie.

DadGuy said...

Beth! Hahaha, nummies! That's what we call'em in Chaosland too.

bon said...

did I say that?
I realize that I posted that last as my husband... snerk!
that was meeeeeee!