Thursday, September 14, 2006

And Now an Anniversary...

Four years ago today I married my best friend. Nine years ago we got together. I can't believe everything that we have been through. Living apart, traveling back and forth to see each other, school, new jobs, new apartments, marriage, England, having a baby. Wow!

We are hardly going to see each other today because he works 9-6 and I work 4-9. Hmmm... Maybe we'll have to plan a little candlelit romance when I get home. It'll be super romantic since I have a cold and I am stuffed up solid – can't breath through my nose a bit. I won't take medication cause I'm still nursing...

Anyway, I did another montage for our Anniversary. It's pretty short because we had to scan the pictures in. You get the basic idea. I used our wedding song 'At Last' by Etta James. In the first photo I was a wee 20 year old and Peter was 26. Can you you see us (me especially) getting more mature (boring)? I have a whole bunch of purple in my hair in like the third picture and then by our wedding... ho hum. Oh well. It tells our story pretty well.

Girl meets shy guy. Girl makes guy talk to her. Girl gets guy. Guy makes girl smile with both bottom and top teeth. Guy finally asks girl to marry him after 5 very long years. Girl says yes. Guy and Girl go on honeymoon. Girl gets pregnant. Girl has baby. Guy, Girl and Baby live happily ever after.

Here is the link to our wedding video on YouTube just in case you all can't get enough of us.


Mall Worker said...

That was a lovely video! Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys find some time for some candle lit romance!

beth said...

Happy anniversary you guys. Be sure to get it on:)

this single spark said...

Happy Anniversary!

Hey, did anyone else notice how Peter slowly goes grey over the time they spent together? Coincidence? Natural aging? I'm saying it must be... check out Mama D's huge grin in all the photos. Looks like it was a pretty happy nine years.

Mama D said...

I was going to mention how his hair gets more grey with each picture. It's not my fault! It totally would have happened even if he never met me... That's my story anyway!

kate said...

that's so sweet! what a happy family you are.

Dawnyel said...

So sweet! Happy anniversary guys! :) You look SO happy in those pictures together!! (And that's how it SHOULD be!)

about plantain: said...

Too Funny! I went through all my photo's before packing up for Aust. and I noticed that in the last 5 years R's hair has gotten sooooo grey... I blame his stressful job (he's worked on about 4 tv shows in the last 2 years.. that were all 18hr/day jobs)... nothing to do with me!
Congratulations... if you don't get to go out ... at least get some champer's and have a couple of glasses..!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary ya cuties!

Valarie said...

happy anniversary! you look so sweet and happy in all of the pictures.

Jenn said...

I hope you two had a great anniversary, even with the few hours you had to spend together.

The pictures were so sweet!