Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yes Indeed

Finally in the land of cold, ice and snow it seems to be spring. I have been enduring fellow bloggers (who live in other places where spring comes earlier) talk of warm weather and sprouting perennials and so forth while looking out the window at the yucky weather we were still stuck with.

Well yesterday we went out walkin', yes indeed! I'm not sure what Audrey thought of it. Can any of you decipher this look? Is it “Wow, so this is what the sun is like? It's been so long.” or “Yeah, hi! My mother overdressed me because she thinks it's still winter!!!”

I think the next photo totally says “Okay, let's get this show on the road already. What are you waiting for woman, let's walk!”

Then after much walking, she was so exhausted from being pushed in the stroller she fell into a deep sleep. Until we stopped moving. Then she was very much awake. I thought fresh air was supposed to make a kid sleep better. I wonder why she cried out so many times last night? Maybe she was having nightmares about barking dogs and the sun hurting her little eyes and the embarrassment of being overdressed by her mother. Who knows.

All I can say is I'm glad I can get out for a little extra exercise. Those two trips to the gym every week aren't cutting it as far as I'm concerned. Not if I keep up my steady diet of cookies, bread pudding and ice cream. Hey, don't judge me. Audrey says it makes my milk taste yummy.


Just MJ said...

Oh those cheeks! Great pictures of Baby A!

GiBee said...

OH MY GOODNESS... she is sipmly A-dor-a-ble!

Tracy said...

happy spring!!!

Rachelle said...

Such cute pics! We let Cam crawl on the grass for the first time over the weekend. He loved it!

Diana Mancuso said...

Cute pictures! She looks quite tall. I'm curious... how many months is she now? And how tall exactly is she?

Mama D said...

diana- I know she looks ridiculously tall in the photo of her sleeping. She will be 7 months on the 12th of April and she was 28 3/4 inches tall last week. Off the charts they told me...

Diana Mancuso said...

WOW! That's incredible! She's almost two months younger than my daughter and almost double in length! She's got some tall jeans!

Pardon the pun.

Mall Worker said...

Oh my god that is a cute jean jacket! I'm glad you were able to go out for a walk finally! I hope this decent weather keeps up!

Dawnyel said...

LOL!! I love your sense of humor!! Your baby looks pretty happy to be overdressed and outdoors! :)

bon said...

Eeeek! Are you sure she's getting enough to eat?

Lynanne said...

Awwww, so sweet!!!! We finally got out for a walk today too.

Tall jeans for tall genes? (sorry, I couldn't resist because it's exactly the kind of typo I'd make. I was actually admiring her cute jeans in the photo before I read the comment. So cute!)

She is tall though - She's only 2 weeks older than Ella but 3 1/2 inches taller. What are you feeding her? :)

Great pictures, btw!

Sugarmama said...

Hey, I'm just impressed that you actually make it to the gym at all! I haven't been even one time in...oh, about a year or so.

Also, if it makes you feel any better, I just ate my first cookie of the day for dessert after BREAKFAST. Ahem. Make that after SECOND breakfast. I feel like a hobbit sometimes with all that I eat in a day. It's the nursing.