Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Reply

Regarding yesterday's post. I did receive a reply email. It made me feel slightly guilty for slagging her off on the internet. It was a tad wordy so I'll sum up for ya'll. (Except what's in quotations, that's right out of the email.)

“Dear” Mama D,

“Thank you for responding to my flyer. No, I did not know that you recently had a baby, but congratulations!” (That was my favorite part both because it is smart and polite) I have been handing out flyer so people know about the miracle stuff I sell, yada, yada.

May I ask you the details about when you tried 'miracle cure'. (Goes on to infer that perhaps I was taking it wrong or that the new 'miracle cure' is much better than the old and that if I tried it again it would work better.) I am ½ a century old, weighed about 900 lbs was blind, deaf and had ingrown toenails. “After just 3 days on the products I began to feel better,” I lost 915 lbs, regained my sight and hearing and am now a foot model.

Yada, yada, “lucrative business model” yada, yada. Yada, “medically researched and standardized” yada. Yada, yada, “adopted by many athletes”.

“The Work From Home model also allows many stay at home moms (and grandmas like me) to remain at home with their children and help add $500.00 - $1500.00 to their income on a part time basis. I don't know if extra income would be helpful to your family, but if it would, I would be happy to show you what I am doing.”

Miracle Cure Distributor

Although I said I felt guilty, obviously not guilty enough to keep me from horribly exaggerating her reply email. I am very happy for her that she found these products which healed her many ailments (one of these apparently, was senility). I also think it's great that she believes in them so strongly and that she can make money from home. As for my family, extra income would totally not be helpful at all. But nice try. We're poor and we like it that way!

I'm not sure if I will bother to write her back again but I find myself feeling obligated. Don't worry, I will not be sucked in. I simply can't afford to be. Do you think it's a strange coincedence that my body image has since gone down the toilet? I have been considering taking up jogging (which I hate with much passion) and I've been considering eating better. What up?

I have been tagged by 'The Mama' so tomorrow I will be telling you “6 weird things about me”. It's going to be hard. To narrow it down to six.

For now I leave you with pictures from the weekend. Man, can I ever get a lot done when Peter has a day off! We cleaned up the yard, I made butternut squash baby food, did laundry and we went out on a DATE to celebrate Peter's birthday! (Pictures taken from his Treo) Fun!


Anonymous said...

Homemade babyfood! You are a goddess!!!

bon said...

is it weird that I just want to go hang out at your house?
I mean that in the "non-stalker" sense...which, living as far away as you do is not much of a worry anyways. It all looks so familiar and comfortable.

Just MJ said...

I never believe any of those "miracle cures". I wish they were true, but it's never that easy.

I agree with Bon, your house looks very comfy.

Rachelle said...

I love the email! I did the homemade baby food for awhile too. And then I quit. Bad mama. Great pics!

Dawnyel said...

That email just made me giggle...I don't know if it was your exaggerations of the situation or the fact that she tried to suck you into her vortex....
Those are really cute pics! I can't wait to read the really strange things about you! :)

Mall Worker said...

I'm glad she wasn't just singling you out! I hope you and your hubby enjoyed supper! I can tell from the pic where you two went!