Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Kick This

Okay, I'm not sure how I'm going to follow up yesterdays post. I made my husband read it and he said it made him a little uncomfortable due to it's personal nature. Sorry dearie, you knew I was a blabber mouth when you married me. (He always tells me when something is totally off limits because I have a habit of talking about personal stuff to my clients as well) My main goal is to try and get this posted before I have to go to work today. Lately I have been spuratically writing all day. I want to get this baby done before baby wakes up.

Any of you who have viewed my profile may have noticed I listed TaeKwon Do as an interest. It's more of a compulsion actually. I have been training off and on for over nine years and have achieved my second degree black belt. I started when I was around nineteen years old because a friend of mine had encouraged me to join her. At first it was just a fun form of exercise until I went to my first competition. I won silver and gold medals. I was hooked.

As a kid I was hyperactive (some things never change) and always into almost any sport especially swimming and figure skating. We lived in a very small town and those were the only activities available to do other than casual school sports. Once I moved to the small city I live now at the age of thirteen sports in general were a lot more serious. We couldn't really afford swimming or skating lessons so I just played sports at junior high school. My first year in high school I had a very bad experience. I tried out for the volleyball team, got onto the team and after my first practice was called into the coach's office. There were two coaches and while one told me he wanted me off the team the other said I could stay but as a bench warmer. I told them to stuff it and walked out. Being so young I didn't know how to handle it. I wish I could travel back in time and give myself the words to say to those stupid men and make them tell the rest of the team what they had done so I wouldn't have to suffer through my teammates all individually asking why I wasn't coming to practice anymore. What cowards. Needless to say I wasn't interested in any school sports after that. Except I played soccer one year but only because they brought in coaches who weren't teachers at my school. We sucked and lost every game anyway. I became a somewhat 'hefty' kid due to my inactivity. I do believe I had a pretty good body image anyway though. I must have been oblivious.

Fast forward to age 19. I was totally craving some sort of physical activity that I could really love. I was feeling unhappy with my weight and needed to make a change. My friend had just started TaeKwon Do and was really enjoying it. I had never considered a martial art but was totally pumped to try it out. I loved the “Karate Kid” and can't believe I hadn't tried something like this earlier. As I said earlier, soon after I started I was a lifer. It filled a void in me that had existed since my spirit had been broken in that coaches office in high school.

I have met some of my best friends through TaeKwon Do. One of these friends was my roommate for two years. He is one of the most wonderful, generous and hilarious people I know and he stood up with us when we were married. I met my boss and his family through TaeKwon Do and have my dream job (which I have had for nine years) all because I met them there. My husband and I just attended my instructors wedding this summer and now they are expecting their first child who will almost certainly be friends with Audrey. Not only have I met great people but I have found confidence and pride in myself that wouldn't exist if I had never joined TaeKwon Do.

Here is me breaking the most boards I have ever broken at one time. Six ¾ inch pine boards with a Side Piercing Kick.

And this is me working out on the speed bag my husband gave me last Valentines Day and only put up about two weeks ago.

Now you know a bit more about what makes me tick. Baby A just woke up. Mission accomplished.


Sugarmama said...

Wish I could find that one thing that I loved and could therefore stay motivated to do. I love gardening--digging deep holes for planting shrubs REALLY gets your heart rate up if you have heavy clay soil!--but of course gardening isn't something you can do everyday, all year long.

Anonymous said...

That is very cool. I've always sort of wanted to try martial arts, but I have a hard time picturing how to get started. What kind of class do you sign up for? How do you find a place to go? Will other people be as awkward and uncoordinated as I am? But the thought of smashing boards with my foot and punching the bag like that--it seems so empowering.

bon said...

You rock Mama D. Are you still doing the softball team too? I need to get mah lazy butt out there and do some SOMETHING for heavens sake! Inspiring, thats the word!