Friday, January 20, 2006

A Quickie

No, this post is not what you think. I mean I only have time for a quick post. I was out all day, and went for a romantic supper with my husband. Lucky me.

Just a quick question to put out there for my wonderful, intelligent, beautiful (is that enough sucking up?) readers. I am taking Little A for her second set of vaccinations on Monday and I hate it. I have concerns about vaccinations. Anybody out there got any opinions on this? I would love to hear what you all think.

Thanks a lot.

Oh, and here's a new photo I couldn't resist posting. How can anyone stand poking a needle into her and not hate themselves for it?


Sugarmama said...

Okay, it's a little daunting to be the first to comment on what I know is a pretty controversial issue. BUT, I vaccinated both my kids and feel good about it. There are a few reasons for this. One, I never had bad reactions to vaccines and neither did anyone in my family, or their fathers' families. Two, the suspicion that autism is linked to the MMR vaccine has so far proven unfounded. And frankly, I had girls who are much less likely to develop autism. Third, there are so many more kids not being vaccinated these days that I'm concerned that some of those diseases may re-emerge in unvaccinated populations. That's my 2 cents.

bon said...

I always give a nod to all that is hippy and holistic... therefore I let my sister in law be the one to not vaccinate her kids. I'm with sugarmama. If you want the other side of the coin presented in an understandable way VeryMom has in her side bar the why's and wherefore's. For me it's just too much alarmist crap. First THIS is good for you then it's satan and THE OTHER is good for ya! But don't listen to me... I let my girls suck on rocks.

Anonymous said...

There are alot of people who don't believe in it, but I do. All my kids are vaccinated. Being a new mom, it's hard to watch your baby cry from an intentional "owie" but just remind yourself that you are doing this because you love her and you are giving her years of good health. Alot of people don't realize how many smaller diseases your child can get just from going to the store that can cause terrible harm. The benefits far outweigh the risks.

Anonymous said...

oh, yeah...I like your blog. Your candid-ness is refreshing. I'll definitely be back!

thisbearbites said...

This first became an issue when my babies were young. I was discussing it (20+ years ago) with my grandma - who had also been a nurse while raising her children in the 1940's & 1950's.
After hearing the horror stories of the polio epidemic, in a first person rememberance, from a woman who was a mother with children at the time, and was a nurse who saw first hand what was going on to her children's classmates - I never questioned vaccinations again.
And that was just ONE of the diseases we discussed that mothers today don't have to worry about.
I actually have a concern with how long vaccinations last. I had Whooping Cough in my 20's. I was vaccinated as a infant. The doctors assumed my vaccination had run it's course.
What if we're not protected forever? If adults can be at risk again, unvaccinated children won't stand a chance.