Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Outsider Wins

My quote this week was Peter's idea. It comes from 'River's Edge'. This was not a movie I saw in the 1980's. In fact, I didn't see it until my husband and I started dating. And, though I hate to bring it up due to the fact that I'll be ostracized about it all over again, I fell asleep during the first time we watched it. We own this movie now and I have since made it through the whole thing without falling asleep. I like it. I recognize that it is a good movie, I just don't love it.

Peter and a few of our friends however, do. Here's a cute little story. One of the first times Peter met the aforementioned friends we were driving somewhere together. For some reason they started spouting out dialog from 'River's Edge' and were mightily impressed when Peter joined right in without missing a beat. I believe that was the moment that they both silent gave me their blessing to marry him. So I did.

When no one was guessing the quote Peter sent our friend a quick email telling him to check it out. That is when Say WHAT? was hijacked by Mr. Fugr and Miker G. I'm not sure if he just made up the dj sven part or if another friend of ours was with him at the time. Anyway, just thought it all needed a little explanation. Since Miker G would never speak to me again if I posted his picture I'm doing it anyway... but I've protected his identity.

I can't deny that 'River's Edge' has a fabulous cast. Keanu, Ione, Crispin. They are all great. There is a lot of entertaining dialog contained within. But as Peter pointed out when we were choosing a quote – most of it has a lot of swearing. I'm not sure how we managed to find a good one without any cussing. But we did.

Till next week...


Dawnyel said...

I love the "protected" picture of your friend! You are SO talented with those special picture thingies and videos! Oh, I wish I was Mama D! :)

Jenn said...

Honestly, I've never even heard of that movie!

mamashine said...

Never heard of it either. And look at Crispin with the mullet! Holy cow!

bon said...

Oh... I have heard of it... seen it... and Holy Ritalin Batman!

I am with you... I did not love it. It was waaaay too Krispy, as in Krispin Glover has one acting speed and that is pure wierdoFREAK! Put that with Man O' Wood himself the Reevesmeister? Naw, I take the miss on that one.

If memory serves correctly? Some jerk kills his girlfriend (drunken rage? she wouldn't shut up?)and then everyone bands together to cover it up... ummm, 'cuz they are BRO's! Supposedly they were friends with her too... but apparently,

beth said...

I've never seen this and am now totally intrigued. Time to netflix.