Tuesday, February 07, 2006


My baby is teething. Again. It seems this has been going on since she was about two months old and so far there is nothing to show for it. Although my nipples are probably very happy about that. They have experienced the gumming with no teeth and they aren't particularly fond of that so teeth would make it even more unpleasant. I do believe that the teeth are really on their way this time though. She seems to be very uncomfortable, drooling excessively and chewing on everything including her bottom lip. She also has a bumpy rash all around her neck and shoulders and under her chin in the no-neck area. I have been putting a zinc cream on the rash which seems to be helping.

She is an amazing little soul. I worry that she'll be fussy for everyone when I am at work and instead she is always an angel. Sometimes I feel annoyed that she would appear to be saving her grumpy behavior for me (and her dad). Then I remember I am, after all, her mother and I can not change my mind about looking after her like my mother or my sister could if she was a nightmare for them every time they were with her. So I grin and bear it and try to make the best of her unhappiness and think of how cute those teeth will be.

Of course another side effect of this hardcore teething is – you guessed it fussy eating. My daughter refusing to eat? Never. So uncharacteristic! I find during these times it is best to not be around my mother. This only leads to arguments between us which go something like this...

Audrey: Waaagh!! Waaagh!!! (as her mother attempts to feed her.)
Grandma: Is there any milk there?
Me: (sigh) Yes! (I keep trying to feed her, she goes on tries a while then comes off crying.)
Grandma: Well why else would she cry like that?
Me: (resisting the urge to squeeze my nipple and squirt her in the face with the milk that doesn't exist) She's teething.
Grandma: Teething shouldn't make her do that.
Me: Yes, is does.
Audrey: (Stops crying and listens to us argue)
Grandma: I don't think so. (wonders how any daughter of hers could be unable to produce enough milk for her baby)
Me: You're making me feel bad.
Grandma: Why?

Oh the guilt. She actually has me convinced sometimes that I am starving little A even though she is above average weight for her age. If worrying won't dry up your milk what will? I love her though. She is my mother and she loves me and she loves Audrey and she babysits her all the time. She has saved our butts many a time since I have gone back at work when Peter and I were both working at the same time. She has the experience of raising five kids which is more experience than I care to have and more than most mothers will have these days. Unfortunately for me all five of us were good eaters (and we all still are!) and she has no experience with babies who won't eat when the wind is blowing a certain direction. Therefore my milk supply will continue to be doubted by her at any time until I am no longer breastfeeding. I try to get used to it but it still feels like a slap in the face every time. Some day after she is weened I will miss those times both good and bad just like I am missing the feeling of being pregnant and the good and bad that came along with it.


Anonymous said...

Parent...Moms....I know they mean well, but could they mean well silently?

bon said...

My Mom just sits on her hands over the BF issue. The doctors told her her nipples were flat and she'd never be able to BF... that was in the day that you just followed what the doc said. She told me that she wishes she'd had help to try it any way.