Thursday, August 21, 2008


Yesterday Miss A pulled my shirt up a little to inspect my belly. She did this a lot while I was pregnant. She hasn't done it since I had B. She looked at it for a while and then asked "Is there another baby in your belly?" (I refuse to be offended by my 2 year old) "No" I told her, then asked "Would you like there to be another baby in there?" (Why would I ask this?) She nods and says "A brother one." I try not to laugh and say "Isn't a sister good enough?" She simply shakes her head no. And I mumble "Well it will have to be."

Also, regarding the potty training business, she's been in panties all week (in the daytime) with only minimal accidents. Today she is wearing two pairs at once, just because. I say whatever, more absorbency in case of an accident. And I know this is TMI but when the kid has a bowel movement it's like watching her give birth. I feel so sorry for her. No wonder she has hated going #2. Perhaps we need to eat more Bran...


bon said...


elizasmom said...

On the TMI front, Jim and I are always talking about how Eliza looks like she's moving furniture to describe the Number 2 process, if that tells you anything. Oy.

Jenn said...

"A brother one" - that's so cute. I've heard that regular trips to the chiropractor can help a kid's #2s.

Anonymous said...

LOL that is adorable! Apple juice works wonders at my house:)