Friday, August 17, 2007


It's Friday again and that means it's time for Say WHAT? The AMAZING 80's quote trivia game. In case you haven't played before, here is the down low – At the bottom of this post you will find a quote from an 80's movie. If you choose to play you must, without using the internet as a resource, guess which 80's movie the quote has been taken from. But here is where the rules have changed. If by Sunday we still don't have a winner anyone may go ahead and Google away. The first person to give the correct movie wins! Fun, huh? Leave your guesses in the comments section and if you are the first to correctly identify the quote, you win! I announce the winner on Sunday and that winner receives acknowledgment, linkage and if they have a profile picture I post that also. I recap the winner every Friday and include all of the aforementioned information. And hey, even if you don't know the answer just give me a shout out. I like to know who's stopped by!

Jenn had to google last week. I hope someone will recognize today's quote.

Time for today's quote. Don't forget to come back on Sunday (or maybe Monday if I'm lazy) to see if you are a winner. Have fun and good luck!

"Diane was my wife. I loved her, and she loved dope. So we made a good couple."


bon said...

No clue... going to google now. Canot wait.

bon said...

Umm... yeah. Never saw it. Also? Cannot SPELL!

Jenn said...

I have no idea either.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. No one's guessed yet? I'll go out on a limb and say this sounds like Drugstore Cowboy to me.

Sugarmama said...

I'll bet elizasmom is right. It sounds familiar to me and wasn't there a Diane in that movie? I'll never win this game...