Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Knee Update

Mom has another new knee. This surgery has gone far better than her last one. She is doing extremely well and I suspect the recovery will be much quicker this time. Unfortunately I am still consumed by stress, trying to run back and forth to the hospital as well as do all the other stuff that must be done. This includes arranging babysitting for next week when my work hours are all screwy due to the graduates of 2007 who are demanding that they have fancy hair! The nerve!

All in all though things are great. The fact that my mom is not in excruciating pain this time and also has not become depressed (yet) is wonderful.


alt&rockin'4ever said...

Glad to hear she's doing all right. *hugs* to you and her.

bon said...

Oh, I hopehopehope that this time is very different! Maybe because she knows what to expect, it won't get her down! Plus if it does hurt less, well that's always a happyjoy!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going better this time around!

Sugarmama said...

Yikes! Boy, do I know how you feel on this. My mom had both her knees replaced simultaneously about a month and a half ago and has just now gotten to where she isn't in pain all the time. I very much hope your mom's recovery goes more smoothly this time. It's very hard on a person's mood and general state of mind to be in constant pain.