Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happiness Is...

Eating watermelon on the couch.

Corn on the cob.

Sleeping in.

Swimming with your cousin in the backyard.

Being done work.

Watching a movie and eating popcorn.


bon said...

Woman, you make summertime look GOOOD!

Seriously, you look fresh as a daisy and just a-going with the kids and fun. In the pictures it looks so effortless, but you have to be crashing every night just trashed!

shoeaddict said...

We have been doing lots of corn on the cob and watermelon eating, too. Looks like fun!!

elizasmom said...

Ahhh, that
is the recipe for a pretty darn good summer, right there! I hope you get a relaxing week or two out of it before Numero Dos arrives!