Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fa Lalalala La La La LAH!

So I finally got all of our decorations up. The last to go up was the Christmas tree. We were having a logistics problem with how to get it home with a baby seat in the way. My father in law ingeniously suggested we take both vehicles and could load it into Peters. Wow. Why hadn't we thought of that?

So the tree is up, it's decorated. The rest of our Christmas lights are up. Wreath and stockings are up. (Most) cards are sent, (some) presents are wrapped. I am well on the way to being nearly ready. Yay.

Hope all of you are coping with all the things that you are doing to prepare for the holidays...


bon said...

Merry Christmas!

You inspire me... maybe I'll share Our pretty decorations too!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

LOVE that video clip- the BEST!