Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Christmas kid, we're getting somewhere

When Audrey was born I knew my life would never be the same. It isn't. We have gone through so much in the past three months and one week.

I have: become a mother, become accustomed to strangers seeing my boobs, learned to survive (sort of) with less than 2 hours of sleep at night, learned what loving someone unconditionally really means, learned to use a breastpump, learned that everyone is going to give you their opinion of what a good mother should do, learned to take a deep breath and try to let it go, had mild postpardum depression, had mastitis, had a headache from hours of crying both by my daughter and myself, had more fights with my husband than ever before, had more respect for my husband than ever before, felt more needed than ever before.

Audrey has: been born, had many strangers handle her and force her into her mothers boob, tried her best to breastfeed, cried a lot, tried to eat with a breast shield, a tube and breast shield, a tube and syringe, a syringe and a little medicine cup, learned to take a bottle, had many baths, learned to breastfeed, had very bad gas and a sore tummy, stayed up all night (twice), made her mother cry both happy and sad tears, met a lot of people, learned to hold her head up, learned to stand (with someone's help), learned to smile, learned to talk and squeal, fallen in love with her mobile, learned to suck her thumb, learned she needs her parents, learned to melt her parents hearts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend! Some "stats" for you. The average individual Canadian (not household) spends $900 on Christmas gifts. I, so proud of my cutting back this year, still managed to spend $350. Yikes! Mostly on all the kids suddenly in my life, I might add, and totally worth it. But still...