Monday, January 30, 2006

My Worst Nightmare

Last night I had a very bad dream. I was cutting Simon Colwell's hair. He was trying to explain to me that he wanted it to look like this. So I began cutting and I was very nervous. I was texturizing it and I got a little carried away. Suddenly I realized that I was in way over my head and his haircut was going to be a disaster. When I tried to finish up with him and make it look good he started yelling at me and telling me "This looks absolutely dreadful!" and "What a god awful job you did." I'm not sure at what point I woke up. I may have started to cry and apologize then woke up. Then I lay there in bed thinking I seriously have to stop watching American Idol.


bon said...

ahhhh! that man deSERVES a bad haircut!

David Amulet said...

I think your takeaway from this dream is right on--stop watching that crap! It will turn your mind to mush, making it easier for the alien hordes to seize your soul.

(Now I sound like I'VE been watching too much X-Files or something ...)

-- david

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bon....I was thinking the same thing! He deserves a bad, bad, bad, haircut! He is just so mean!