Tuesday, January 31, 2006

False Impressions

I have given myself a time limit today. I am running out of time to write this. Why the time limit? Well, for some stupid reason I offered to host a La Leche League meeting at my house today. So, now despite the leader telling me not to go nuts cleaning. I totally will. And I'm just supposed to provide water and someone else will bring a snack. I bought a dozen muffins last night anyway and a fresh lemon. You know, for the water. Because we always drink water with fresh lemon around here. I had thought about baking biscuits until I bought the muffins. I decided I would have enough cleaning to do. And I wouldn't want to get all the cat hair that I'd be stirring up with my cleaning frenzy to get in my biscuits. Wouldn't that be a nice impression to make? “Here are the warm biscuits I baked. Pardon the cat hair, it's virtually tasteless.”

I made Peter help me dust our monster computer armoire on Sunday. It had a blanket of dust on it and I couldn't stand the thought of people looking at all that dust. He even cleaned off his desk which was so nice of him. I can't vacume right now anyway, since little A is sleeping. I only have (want) to do the floors and vacume the rugs. In a way, I like to have people over because it motivates me to clean. Then I feel like a phony because people may think my house always looks this way. Which it totally doesn't. Once it is clean though I am totally obsessed for a while picking up little pieces of lint of the rug or compulsively polishing the sink. Which doesn't have dirty dishes in it because I always wash them immediately.

I don't want people to come to my house and feel badly that their house isn't this clean. Because my house isn't this clean either. It's all a big show. By me. Welcome to my show. I can't help myself. I don't really have OCD I just lapse into that behavior sometimes.

Then there are those people who may not think my house is clean enough. To those people I say “HA! You should see what it really looks like!”.

A picture of the nasty filth and cat hair under my radiator and the culprit of said cat hair.


Mama D said...

Okay, you can't really see how dirty it is in the picture, but trust me, it's d-i-r-t-y!! I must now go clean!!

Anonymous said...

Oh You should see under my kitchen cabinets after a week. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat. The hair I vacuum up grosses me out.

Good for you with the Le Leche League! Big supporter here, but all my babies are growing up! 10,7,5! :(

owlhaven said...

I get the same way when company comes! What I really hate is asking the kids to clean up and having them ask who's coming over! Like that's the only time we clean! We DO clean at other times too-- I just get more obsessive when the doorbell's gonna ring in the next few hours!