Monday, May 25, 2009

Bedtime Shinanigans

I really can't complain too much regarding Miss A's bedtime routine. I mean, she's not one of those kids who goes to bed at 7 or anything but still, she's pretty good about it. I guess I'm comparing her to my nieces and nephews who I remember used to get out of bed repeatedly asking for snacks, water, band aids, etc... Miss A rarely does that sort of thing. If she ever comes out of her room after we've said goodnight it's with the most sheepish look on her face because she knows she'll be in a lot of trouble and still isn't sure if getting out of bed was worth it.

Still, she's a kid and kids by nature seem to despise bedtime. So tonight she was kicking up a bit. Annoyed at my persistence about her getting in her bed, she tried her hand at hurling an insult my way. "You're a GENIUS!" she spat at me. I hid my smirk and asked her if she knew what a genius was. She nodded and said "It's bad." I told her a genius was a very smart person, now would she please get into bed. She did.

Later, she asked me to sing her an extra song before saying goodnight. Terry had a Little Lamb. She told me Terry was her imaginary friend, who had a lamb, and was a genius.


Our Ilan and Quinn said...

Oh!!! She is a cutie! So good to read your comments! I don't get many from non family...hahaa

bon said...

You ARE a freakin' genius!

Jenn said...

That is so cute!

Diana Mancuso said...

That is the cutest story I ever heard! Miss A is just brilliant! Must take after her mommy!

Thanks for the comment on my last post. I don't post nearly as often as I would like to but knowing that someone is actually reading it gives me the motivation to write some more. So thank you!

jen k said...

me and Mike thought that story was super cute!!

elizasmom said...

I just LOVE kid insults! She's the best!