Reminding you all to watch 'So You Think You Can Dance' tonight. This is from last season but you get the idea. So WATCH IT! Cause most of you folks can vote. I can't because I'm Canadian. It's so unfair. Sigh...
Stories from the life of a new mom stumbling along.
Reminding you all to watch 'So You Think You Can Dance' tonight. This is from last season but you get the idea. So WATCH IT! Cause most of you folks can vote. I can't because I'm Canadian. It's so unfair. Sigh...
Posted by
Mama D
9:30 a.m.
Labels: YouTubesday
Okay. Now I am tired. And the bad news. I start my work week today.
Last night I went to work again and did my second model's hair for her photo shoot. And then afterwards I had to color it back to 'normal'. Normal being not, purple and blue. Fair enough.
I got off easy because my model is wicked awesome at doing makeup and she was able to do it WAY better than I ever could have. I thought these pictures turned out pretty awesome too. I was lucky to have such great models to work with.
Posted by
Mama D
9:30 a.m.
Labels: My Job
I spend a good part of my Sunday and Monday working this week. And not getting paid for any of it. You see I'm entering this competition. It's put on by the company whose color we use at the salon I work at. Here is the website. Click English (duh!) and then Trends on the grey bar at the top, then Trendzoom 2007. I did hair for both looks but these are the pictures from Nomadic Freedom, so click on that one.
I forgot to take a picture before I shampooed my model. But you get the idea. The last few pictures were taken after the photo shoot. We wrapped yarn around her body which looked really cool in the pictures but was a bugger to unravel again!
Anyway, I was really happy with how everything turned out. Both of my models are fabulous. I'm doing a photo shoot with my second model tonight. Then back to the work that I get paid to do tomorrow. And it's going to be a heck of a week too.
Posted by
Mama D
8:16 a.m.
Labels: My Job
Here are a few more pictures of my house. It is only slightly less clean now than it was when these photos were taken. I'm trying to stay on top of it.
A view of the bathroom. It is small and difficult to photograph. I would like to gut this bathroom and start over. And then attack the kitchen.
Our bedroom. I love this bed. It has taken a beating in the five years we've had it. Oh. Gee. That sounds really bad. I MEAN it's been moved a couple of times and has some deep scratches in the wood. I still love it though. I only wish we'd bought the matching dresser. We didn't think we could afford it. We had no idea what broke was back then...
Our living room. Notice the many, many babies by the fireplace. And the computer armoire. Where the magic happens.
And the kitchen. It doesn't look so bad in the pictures but believe me it is functionally challenged.
For the proper house tour go here.
Posted by
Mama D
9:30 a.m.
Labels: Our House
Bon wins again. And the Big Fugr is sad that she beat him to the punch. But hey Bon, if winning cheers you up or makes your day in any capacity - please just keep on winning.
I do own 'Vision Quest'. I have a thing for Matthew Modine and it really is a great movie.
Posted by
Mama D
10:23 p.m.
Labels: Winners
It's Friday again and that means it's time for Say WHAT? The AMAZING 80's quote trivia game. In case you haven't played before, here is the down low – At the bottom of this post you will find a quote from an 80's movie. If you choose to play you must, without using the internet as a resource, guess which 80's movie the quote has been taken from. But here is where the rules have changed. If by Sunday we still don't have a winner anyone may go ahead and Google away. The first person to give the correct movie wins! Fun, huh? Leave your guesses in the comments section and if you are the first to correctly identify the quote, you win! I announce the winner on Sunday and that winner receives acknowledgment, linkage and if they have a profile picture I post that also. I recap the winner every Friday and include all of the aforementioned information. And hey, even if you don't know the answer just give me a shout out. I like to know who's stopped by!
Bon won last week and she could do it again. She's got a laptop, wireless connection and time on her hands!
Time for today's quote. Don't forget to come back on Sunday (or maybe Monday if I'm lazy) to see if you are a winner. Have fun and good luck!
“It's not funny, believe me! The girl of my dreams lives under my own roof, but she thinks I'm just a kid, a dumb jock, all of which is more or less true. I'm dying, Mr. Tanneran, just like that girl in the poem... only quicker, and with a hard-on.”
Posted by
Mama D
7:55 a.m.
Labels: Say WHAT?
At the gym I go to they have Televisions attached to the machines. I usually listen to my MP3 player and watch MuchMusic at the same time. Because I can. And because we are all ruined by technology. Anyway, I was watching this video without sound until I was convinced it would be a good song and I plugged in my headphones. I'm glad I did. I hope you like it too.
Lazy - Silversun Pickups
Posted by
Mama D
9:41 a.m.
Labels: YouTubesday
So part of the motivation for my cleaning spree is that I wanted to take pictures of our house. For posterity and also to give you all a tour of sorts. But see, then I broke the camera and well... I've been having nothing but trouble completing this project. My darling husband actually fixed the camera last night. Bless his heart. He reconsidered on the buying of a bigger and better one. That is simply to expensive for us right now, which was why I was so shocked to see his comment! I took the remaining pictures this morning and now for some reason am having trouble uploading them to our computer. So this post shall be – Part One.
I'll post a few pictures here but what you really should do is go here to see all the different angles of the room and get the full tour. Don't you want to come to my house?
Another disclaimer. My house NEVER looks this clean and tidy. I try, but it just doesn't. That is another reason I took the photos. To remind myself of what it could look like and hopefully will again some day.
This is our front entrance. I love the door. And that is about it. This area was once a porch and they 'transformed' it into a front entrance area with ugly closets and poorly done dry walling. I don't think it's properly insulated either. And that window is drafty. (Wow! I didn't mean for this to be a complain about my house post...) Notice the shoes all lined up. Not like that anymore.
If you came in our front door the first thing you see is our dining room. This was what sold me our house the moment I stepped in the door. The hardwood and wood work, beautiful. It's a bit cluttered now with a piano and everything but I still love it.
Our hallway. Just off the dining room and also the kitchen. That's my second degree black belt certificate hanging on the wall. Hang a left to A's room.
A's room. I still love that color even after almost 2 years of looking at it. I love her furniture too. Even though she's chewed the crib... little beaver. You can't tell from the picture but the plain wall has textured wallpaper on it with small squares on it. It works with the gingham curtains and blanket.
That's all for now. Stop by next week for Part Two!
Posted by
Mama D
9:37 a.m.
Good – This awesome temporary shade I purchased for Miss A's room seems to be helping her to sleep better. As in, not get up at 5:00 AM angry because the sun in shining into her room and waking her up.
Bad – My jaw/head/neck has been aching since Friday. A side effect from the wisdom teeth removal. I thought I wouldn't have to be taking drugs anymore. No such luck. I wanted to go to the gym this morning but I thought it would just make my head pound more.
Good – There has been a language explosion happening here. A has started using some humorous expressions. “Oh Boy!” “Oh My!” “Uh Oh!” and my favorite which I have yet to hear “Holy Moley!” (I say that one.) Also “Please” (Pronounced Peas) is music to my ears.
Bad – She seems to be teething again. Complete with runny/stuffy/snotty nose, chewing anything and everything and a generally HORRIBLE demeanor. She is not a kid I enjoy taking out in public at present. Unfortunately never going out is not an option. Swimming lessons tonight should be good times...
Good – I spring cleaned my entire house this weekend. I still have no idea how I was able to do it. I haven't been able to clean this much at one time since before Miss A was born. It feels amazing to have everything clean at once. My OCD is kicking in though and I'm picking invisible specks of dirt up off the floor.
Bad – It has been raining since Friday. That means we have pretty much been cooped up in the house. No walks, no playground, no yard work. Nothing. Ugh. We all need to get some fresh air.
More Bad – I broke our digital camera. Peter if you read this before I get a chance to tell you, I'm sorry. I feel just shitty about it. It was a gift. I'm not sure if it is going to be worth it to fix it. I suck.
Posted by
Mama D
2:21 p.m.
Labels: Housework, Pain and Such, Teeth and Teething
As Bon herself said she has uber google skilz and she discovered that this weeks quote was from 'Wisdom'. I feel honored that she has the time to bother. Wisdom, hmmm. I wonder why I picked that movie this week?? Perhaps because I'm missing some?
Anyway. This is one of my bosses favorite movies. I'm not sure that I have ever seen it actually. I couldn't find anything on YouTube so IMDB it is. Oh, and for those of you still wondering what Tofutti is. Check it out.
Posted by
Mama D
2:53 p.m.
Labels: Winners
It's Friday again and that means it's time for Say WHAT? The AMAZING 80's quote trivia game. In case you haven't played before, here is the down low – At the bottom of this post you will find a quote from an 80's movie. If you choose to play you must, without using the internet as a resource, guess which 80's movie the quote has been taken from. But here is where the rules have changed. If by Sunday we still don't have a winner anyone may go ahead and Google away. The first person to give the correct movie wins! Fun, huh? Leave your guesses in the comments section and if you are the first to correctly identify the quote, you win! I announce the winner on Sunday and that winner receives acknowledgment, linkage and if they have a profile picture I post that also. I recap the winner every Friday and include all of the aforementioned information. And hey, even if you don't know the answer just give me a shout out. I like to know who's stopped by!
Elizasmom was a first time winner last week, identifying the classic 'Risky Business'.
Time for today's quote. Don't forget to come back on Sunday (or maybe Monday if I'm lazy) to see if you are a winner. Have fun and good luck!
“I was hungry - I went to get some Tofutti. “
Posted by
Mama D
8:06 a.m.
Labels: Say WHAT?
I haven't seen this show very often but it's hilarious. Smack the Pony. I cannot find the sketch I am looking for which is likely okay because it was pretty dirty.
This one is more for all you Mamas out there. It's funnier every time I watch it.
"I don't want to look at your Steeetches!"
Posted by
Mama D
9:36 a.m.
Labels: YouTubesday
*This is a really long post. It's funny in parts and I think it's interesting. If you're bored just check out the pictures. Except the gory one's if you have a queasy stomach.*
When Peter found out I was getting these teeth out his exact words were “Let me know if it's worse than childbirth.” I found this hilarious and informed him that I was certain it wouldn't be even though my birth experience was really great. I think the reason he said that is because he would rather give birth than have two wisdom teeth removed.
Well sweetie, now that the ordeal is over and the teeth are gone I can honestly say – it WAS worse than childbirth. And no one was more surprised about that than I was. Perhaps it is just because the memory of A's birth has faded. And I think I had a ridiculously easy birth. Even so, my wisdom teeth removal sucked. Let me tell you about it.
On Monday night for the first time I started to feel a little panicky about the whole idea. I started thinking about getting needles in my mouth and I started thinking “I don't want to get needles in my mouth.” I forced myself to stop thinking and fretting about it because it would do no good.
A decided to help me out by getting up at 3:00 am, staying up until 4:30 and then getting up for the day at 7:15. (Which by the way, totally messed with my ability to get ready) I wasn't running too far behind and managed to get A to her Grandma's and then get to my appointment on time. Thanks to Elizasmom I had my MP3 player ready with Disintegration by the Cure on it. Coincidentally that was the album I listened to for the last two hours of labour and during A's birth. I guess it is the soundtrack to my most painful moments in life. Fitting if you've ever heard the album. (if you haven't I strongly recommend going out and buying it RIGHT NOW.)
I had remembered before going in for the appointment, when my mind had wandered back to the needle thing again, that they had numbing gel for your cheeks so the needles wouldn't hurt so much. That gel is much more powerful than I remembered it being. So the needles didn't hurt that much after all. At first I was concerned about the fact that freezing was all I'd be getting before they forcibly extracted enormous teeth out of my jaw. Then they left me on my own for a while listening to Robert Smith and gave the freezing a chance to really take effect. And boy howdy, did it ever!
I have never been so numb in all my life. My entire lower jaw, tongue and even my chin were completely numb. They came in to poke at my mouth to see if I'd say 'Ouch'. I didn't. Then the hell began. As I mentioned yesterday they informed me that they would need to cut off the tops of both teeth so that they could maneuver them out. I strongly believe that the fact that they needed to do this was the main contributing factor to how awful the whole procedure was.
My MP3 player was as loud as it would go yet I could still hear the awful noise of the tooth saw thingy. Also, I could smell... what I can only describe as burning tooth. I was told that the tooth cutting tooth “shouldn't hurt” that I “should only feel vibrations”. Well let me tell you it felt a whole lot worse than just vibrations. I can't say it hurt exactly but the sensation was really awful and caused my legs to involuntarily begin trembling. This leg trembling intensified the longer they continued the tooth sawing until it became full on leg shaking which was moving up into my torso and at times even to my head. The dentist asked me if I was 'okay' a couple of times, to which I replied 'yes, I'm fine'. I hate to ever admit that I am anything other than fine in those sorts of situations. I don't know what my problem is.
So they extracted the first and 'easy' tooth after much cutting and reefing. I was happy that the dentist didn't put his foot on my chest for leverage. Then they took a small break which I was grateful for. I took deep breaths, steadied my spazzy legs and just regrouped in general. They whisked in once more and set to work on tooth two, left tooth also known as the tooth that would not be removed in one piece or without much sawing, yanking, breaking apart and coming out bit by bit. By bit. I seemed to get a handle on the leg shaking by contracting my bum muscles. I now have the hardest butt in the world. Then they took another break. This time in the middle of the job.
I was nervous. My brain was working over time. Was something wrong? Did I have some kind of freakish wisdom tooth that they had never before encountered? Were they consulting dental journals? Was I dying? (Just kidding) Also during this time I noticed that a really needed to pee. I knew what a hassle this would be and my dentist and his assistant had disappeared somewhere to draw diagrams of how the heck they were going to get my stupid tooth out. I assessed my need to pee. I wasn't sure how horrible the conclusion of this tooth removal would be and was concerned that it may be so bad that it would cause me to wet myself. Therefore I decided to ask permission to go.
My dentist seemed a tiny bit perturbed. I'm pretty sure he thought I was a wimp with my shaky leg business. I was all, “DUDE, you totally should have seen me have a baby. Not wimpy AT ALL. I totally rocked childbirth.”
Now that I had an empty bladder, they carried on to finish the job. It wasn't more awful than before, just the same level of awful. When they had finished I didn't realize it because I didn't have that same feeling of a large piece of tooth being removed as I had on the other side. All of a sudden the dentist was stitching it up. Because I didn't realize they were done I thought perhaps they had given up and asked about it afterwards. “No, we got it all.” the assistant cheerily told me. Great, all done. Only stitched on the one side. I was amazed that I didn't feel them at all. As opposed to my stitches after A was born. THAT was the part that hurt.
If it is at all possible my face felt even more frozen after they were finished. It felt like my tongue was hanging out of my mouth. I had to feel my face to make sure it actually wasn't. When I attempted to speak it was really garbled and hard to understand. I had the tiniest inkling of what it would be like to have had a stroke and be unable to speak clearly. It was not a pretty picture.
(A Picture of me imitating what I felt like.)
The best part was I didn't have to pay to be tortured. I just signed my name on the dotted line and left. Cool. I went back to my mom's place and she proceeded to take care of me and feed Miss A her lunch. We then went home and A had a nap. I SHOULD have had a nap but instead rewarded my own bravery with a little PS2 Sims 2. My sweet, lovely Mama came back to make my family supper. My supper consisted of mashed potatoes, gravy, and mashed butternut squash. And chocolate puddin' for dessert. I ate slowly and carefully and still it was tender.
To those of you still with me here... Wow! Good for you. This is a stupidly long post. I just needed to get it out there. Now for those of you with a weak stomach skip past the pictures of my extracted teeth and me pulling my cheek over. They are a bit gross. But enjoy the rest.
(These are the yicky ones.)
Lastly, if you think this was awful I consider myself lucky that I am not going through what my good friend Bon is going through these days. Even if you don't know her... go over and give her some love.
(Sorry to disappoint but I pretty much look normal. This face looks surprisingly (or not surprisingly) like my 'labour face', no?)
Posted by
Mama D
10:13 p.m.
Labels: Pain and Such, Teeth and Teething
Tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM sharp I will be sitting in the dentist's chair having two of my (bottom) wisdom teeth extracted. They are through the gums but badly impacted. This is a picture that I found on the internet that pretty much looks like my x-rays did.
I have needed to have them out for a number of years but haven't been able to afford it until now because now we have insurance. Hallelujah!
The procedure was explained to me. I will only be frozen, they will break/drill the tops of both teeth off and then they will have the room to pull them out. Of course I stupidly asked some of my clients to tell me their wisdom teeth removal stories. Some were good, some were bad, some were very bad. The general consensus was that most people are knocked out or given a drug that basically knocks them out. I am slightly concerned that I am not being given these drugs. I'm wondering why it is that I am only being frozen. I guess as long as everything goes well the freezing will be enough. Cross your fingers for me.
I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I am relieved to be having it done. I am glad that the day is almost here so that I don't have to think about getting it done anymore. It will be nice not to have irritated gums anymore. It will also be a relief to not have to worry about my teeth crowding any further because of them.
Needless to say I'm not sure how I will be feeling and thus I'm not sure how much I'll be writing this coming week. I am supposed to be working the following day. I hope I can speak normally, don't look like a chipmunk and don't look like I've have the crap beaten out of me. However, regardless of how horrible I look (or not) I will take pictures to share with all y'all. I know. You can't wait.
Posted by
Mama D
8:04 a.m.
Labels: Teeth and Teething
One of my new favorite people/bloggers won Say WHAT? this week. Elizasmom correctly identified the quote from another classic Cruise film, 'Risky Business'.
I don't think I saw this movie in the 80's. In fact I'm pretty sure I saw it for the first time just a few years ago. Verdict – Okay. Not amazing. Not one I'd watch more than once. Tommy boy looks like such a baby in this movie. Wow.
I apologize for subjecting you all to this song again. It is the infamous scene after all. You could always watch it with the volume muted. Regardless, enjoy.
Posted by
Mama D
9:21 p.m.
Labels: Say WHAT?
It's Friday again and that means it's time for Say WHAT? The AMAZING 80's quote trivia game. In case you haven't played before, here is the down low – At the bottom of this post you will find a quote from an 80's movie. If you choose to play you must, without using the internet as a resource, guess which 80's movie the quote has been taken from. But here is where the rules have changed. If by Sunday we still don't have a winner anyone may go ahead and Google away. The first person to give the correct movie wins! Fun, huh? Leave your guesses in the comments section and if you are the first to correctly identify the quote, you win! I announce the winner on Sunday and that winner receives acknowledgment, linkage and if they have a profile picture I post that also. I recap the winner every Friday and include all of the aforementioned information. And hey, even if you don't know the answer just give me a shout out. I like to know who's stopped by!
Sorry I posted late last week everybody. But Bon came through by identifying the quote from 'The Running Man'. Way to go Bon, after the week you've had - you deserve to win again!
Time for today's quote. Don't forget to come back on Sunday (or maybe Monday if I'm lazy) to see if you are a winner. Have fun and good luck!
"Porsche. There is no substitute."
Posted by
Mama D
7:33 a.m.
I can't WAIT for this freakin' show to start again. May 24th... If you haven't watched it... you're crazy! And also, you should start this year. It is the best show on television. Especially if you ever wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer. If you did you'll go nuts for this show. I think the following is my favorite dance from last year. Must be the stylist in me... I dig the hair, the makeup and of course - the DANCING!
Posted by
Mama D
10:03 a.m.
Labels: YouTubesday
What is it about children that just make time disappear? Don't answer that. I know, I know. But it's not fair. There is always so much to be done and never any time to do anything...
This morning my mom helped me out by looking after A while I did a bunch of tedious running in and out of places kind of errands. You know the ones where you'd have the kid in and out of the car seat like, fifty times. And by the fifth time they'd be screaming and fighting being buckled back in. I ran to the vet's to get a case of food for our cat, to City Hall to check on getting funding for putting up a fence in our yard, to the bank, to the grocery store, to WalMart to buy my mom a microwave on behalf of all her kids for Mother's Day. (While there I also found a tankini bathing suit which actually fits!!! Yay! And three cute flowy skirts and two shirts for me!)
While I sit here writing this Miss A is frolicking in her crib singing songs and what sounds from here like she's practicing her gymnastic floor routine. She SHOULD be sleeping. But I'm fairly certain that won't be happening. Thankfully I do believe I'll be done work on time tonight and therefore will be home in good time to put the exhausted little monkey to bed.
Perhaps I'll post some pictures of myself in all my cute new and affordable skirts. I am loving the flowy skirts right now. If only I had a little color on the legs. Currently they are as white as a fishes belly! I don't really care it's just they are a little blinding...
Posted by
Mama D
2:29 p.m.
Labels: Checking In, Shopping
Just busy that's all. Yesterday my coworkers and I did a cut a thon (haircuts for $10) at a local high school to raise money for students who are in an environmental program. And this morning I did my mom's hair. So much for a day off this week. That's okay. So it goes.
Anyway, just thought I'd check in. Say hello. Post a picture of my little flower girl.
Posted by
Mama D
2:24 p.m.
Labels: Checking In
Sorry about getting Say WHAT? up late on Friday. We were having technical difficulties around here. I was happy to see that some people checked in later anyway. I was also happy to see that someone - BON knew the quote.
It was from 'The Running Man'. I do love this movie which I believe is further proof of my tom boyishness. Arnie is in fine form in spandex. Hey, it was the 80's don't forget!
Posted by
Mama D
8:04 p.m.
Labels: Say WHAT?
It's Friday again and that means it's time for Say WHAT? The AMAZING 80's quote trivia game. In case you haven't played before, here is the down low – At the bottom of this post you will find a quote from an 80's movie. If you choose to play you must, without using the internet as a resource, guess which 80's movie the quote has been taken from. But here is where the rules have changed. If by Sunday we still don't have a winner anyone may go ahead and Google away. The first person to give the correct movie wins! Fun, huh? Leave your guesses in the comments section and if you are the first to correctly identify the quote, you win! I announce the winner on Sunday and that winner receives acknowledgment, linkage and if they have a profile picture I post that also. I recap the winner every Friday and include all of the aforementioned information. And hey, even if you don't know the answer just give me a shout out. I like to know who's stopped by!
Last week my real life pal Jen K won by identifying 'Weird Science'. It is so nice when someone wins for the first time...
Time for today's quote. Don't forget to come back on Sunday (or maybe Monday if I'm lazy) to see if you are a winner. Have fun and good luck!
“Well, it is a contact sport, okay? You want ratings. You want people in front of the television instead of picket lines. Well, you're not gonna get that with re-runs of Gilligan's Island.”
Posted by
Mama D
7:30 a.m.
Labels: Say WHAT?
My friend Myles introduced us to this YouTube gem.
I love it all. The typing. The mumbling at the computer screen. The cough. It's all good.
I've said it before but I'll say it again. The British are brilliant.
Posted by
Mama D
10:00 a.m.
Labels: YouTubesday
It's true. And in three different ways.
Mail Spam – I am amazed at the amount of junk mail we get from financial institutions offering us loans or credit cards. We get other junk mail too. This is the spam we get the least of.
Email Spam – We must get at the very least 50 spam emails a day. I should keep track one day but instead I try to delete them constantly through the day. I know that my husband has special ways of filtering this spam too so this makes me wonder how much email spam the average person out there is getting. The people that aren't lucky enough to know tricky ways to filter it.
Phone Spam – This is BY FAR the most annoying of the bunch. It has gotten so much worse in even the past year, so much so that I'm feeling at the end of my rope. This morning I received two of these phone calls before 10:00 AM. Then I was out until 1:00 so who knows how many I missed while out. I have also received 1 call since coming home and am sure to expect at least 2-3 more from 5-7:00. So approximately six spam calls a day. That is ridiculous, no? Is it just me? Anyone else having this problem?
I am getting to the point where I am ready to jump down the throats of these people. HA! As I was writing this I received one of these calls! Anyway, before I lose it and yell into the receiver I remind myself that the people who usually have these telemarketing jobs are not being paid well and often seem to be immigrants. I ask myself if they really deserve my verbal abuse. They are only doing the job they are paid to do. What I'd really like to do is have my provincial government put legislation in place to either eliminate or restrict the amount of telemarketing done in this province. Because, come on. Six calls a day!
How do you all deal with this spam? For the latter of the bunch I have resorted to just hanging up when I here that long predictable pause on the line. Because if I don't I worry about what might come out of my mouth next.
*Edited to add
Email Spam from Perry
You like allure prostitute with huge?
Answer. No.
Posted by
Mama D
10:20 a.m.
Labels: Spam
I don't think I've complained for a while. So I'm due for a good rant.
I am tired. So tired that I'm sick. You know when you sort of get a cold from sheer exhaustion? That's what I have. My nose is runny and I've been fighting off a headache all day.
This fatigue is the result of several nights of poor or just plain rotten amounts of sleep. I have chosen to believe that Miss A is teething. She has cut both of her first molars on the top despite the fact that there is no sign of her top cuspid (fang) teeth or anything on the bottom other than the two central incisors that she's had for months now. This chart tells you approximately when all of their baby teeth are supposed to come in. As you can see A does not follow this chart in the slightest possible way. The only reason I care is because the fact that her teeth are coming in all willy nilly means I had NO FLIPPIN' CLUE what teeth she might be cutting. Knowing might help to explain her crankiness and help me to respond accordingly. At the moment I'm assuming she's cutting both her top and bottom molars. Why? Because I can't imagine her being more irritable and miserable than this.
It seems to be affecting her appetite hugely. The kid who normally eats everything and anything can't even tolerate the old stand by foods that she'll ALWAYS eat. Actually, I think her appetite is fine it is the fact that eating hurts that causes her to eat less. Last night at supper I made one of her favorite meals. She ate an adequate amount but then when I gave her yogurt which is always well received she actually threw it on the floor when I wasn't looking. When I asked her “Did you throw your yogurt on the floor?” she replied “No.” I then tried some ice cream thinking it would feel nice and cold on her sore mouth. This should have been a huge hit. After a few mouthfuls she refused this as well. If the kid won't eat ice cream then there is definitely something wrong!
The worst thing of all is that due to my lack of sleep I also lack patience. She is more needy and demanding and I am less equipped to deal with her behavior. Doesn't parenting sometimes seem like the cruelest joke is being played on you? Like – Although you are totally unable to deal with the slightest thing, such as spilling a tiny bit of cream on the counter without bursting into tears, you have this toddler who is completely unreasonable and inconsolable to look after. I almost start laughing sometimes because I can't believe how ridiculous things can be. Those are the times when I feel like I must really be going crazy.
Anyway, I am crossing my fingers for a good nights sleep tonight. Which will also make this fatigue sickness thing disappear and turn me into a perfectly patient, happy, wonderful mama by tomorrow. Yup. That's gonna happen.
Posted by
Mama D
1:59 p.m.
Labels: Angry Baby, Sleep Deprivation, Teeth and Teething